

Comprehensively and Expertly Educating Students with Intensive Emotional Needs

We believe students reach their highest potential in safe and structured environments that afford them a strong sense of security, 积极的学习态度, and incentives for appropriate behavior. Regardless of the underlying disability, students come to us with some level of emotional / behavioral issues, 从轻度到中度到重度. Some additional disabilities can include, but are not limited to:

  • ED:情绪障碍/情绪障碍
  • ASD:自闭症谱系障碍
  • 特殊学习障碍
  • ID:智障人士
  • OHI:其他健康损害
  • MD:多重残疾
  • TBI:脑外伤
  • OHI:其他健康损害
  • MD:多重残疾
  • TBI:脑外伤
  • ED:情绪障碍/情绪障碍
  • ASD:自闭症谱系障碍
  • 特殊学习障碍
  • ID:智障人士

通过关注关键领域——学术, 行为修改, 支持服务, and transition / life planning services — we are able to meet the individual needs of all students through these varied approaches to instruction. Through collaboration with a student’s IEP team, we are able to choose the most appropriate learning model based on a given student’s present levels of performance, 社会功能, 运动协调, 以及在小组环境中学习的能力.

Rotating Through Learning Areas Throughout the Day


Supplemental curriculum software programs are prescriptively assigned for additional skill development.


Special education teachers deliver specialized instruction utilizing High Leverage Practices (HLPs) for intensive, 明确的干预. Instruction takes place in small groups based on student’s individual skill levels, 速度, 学习方式.


Students work in small groups with the assistant teacher on specific skill remediation designed to reinforce and support teacher instruction.


Students are able to develop a personal sense of accountability through independent seatwork. Student workbooks and other reinforcement materials are selected according to skill needs at an independent level.


Each student’s IEP determines their particular instruction modalities and lesson plans, yet all students benefit from our comprehensive education model and evidenced-based behavior management program.

Contact our team to find out how SESI can partner with your students, 工作人员, district and community to achieve positive, 可衡量的变化.